Let us help you find what you’re looking for!

Want to ask Suzy a question for free?

On the second Tuesday of every month, Suzy offers a free Zoom chat where you can bring any question, concern or experience you may have and recieve her perspective and insights. This is also a great place to get a taste of how she works.

Would you like some energetic support?

On the first Monday of every month, Suzy does an indepth balance and integration session. These sessions can be attended live or via recording and are designed to help restore harmony, coherence and balance in these quickly shifting times.

Woud you like energetic support for your children?

Held on the 4th Thursday of each month, these sessions are designed to offer deep support on topics related to energetically sensitive children. These sessions are as appropriate for your inner child as they are for the children you physically support.

Looking for a community focused on creating a postive new world?

This portal community offers, weekly energy sessions, integration of a wide variety of various dimensional aspects of yourself and discussions about the topics that matter most to you, plus so much more.

Want to understand Autism like never before?

This is a 25 module on line course that is pre-recorded so you can start any time you like. This course offers everything you need to know to shift from the experiences common to autism to those aligned with Awesomism. Get ready for a deep shift in perception and the beginning of a new reality with the children.

Are you ready to support your child’s integration?

The Autism Integration series offers a multidimensional perspective of enegertically sensitive children along with practical stratagies to create positive and lasting change in your interactions with them. This is a six week series that focuses on the awareness that can create the most postive change for you and your children.

Are you looking for personalized support specifc to your own integration process or that of your child?

Private consultations are designed to support full integration one step at a time. The sessions focus on your multidimensional wholeness and real world transformation of the challenges you may face as you embody more of who you are.