Suzy hosts by-donation video Zoom chats on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00 AM Pacific Time.

In these sessions, you are welcome to discuss anything you are experiencing—physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. You will be supported in gaining a broader perspective on your experiences, encouraged to trust the journey life is presenting, and invited to evolve through the process. This includes questions about yourself or your children. Participants in the Autism to Awesomism Online Classroom are also invited to bring their questions to this forum.

As life as we once knew it undergoes profound change, we are offered a unique opportunity to reconnect with aspects of ourselves that we may have long forgotten.

This platform facilitates the exploration of our hidden gifts, talents, and capacities, encouraging us to express our true selves. Suzy provides guidance and fosters deep transformation with grace, compassion, and love.


**LIVE ZOOM CHAT:** Join us for a one-hour community Zoom chat where, for a donation of your choice, you can share any questions, experiences, or insights that you would like Suzy to address. Feel free to bring questions related to yourself or your children to these sessions.

**CONSCIOUS LOVING COMMUNITY:** Over the years, a nurturing and supportive community has formed through Suzy’s offerings, creating a remarkable space for authenticity. You will not only receive support from her, but also from the collective love and compassion of the group!

**A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO BE YOURSELF:** Suzy’s own journey of self-integration has fostered her understanding of the growth pains we all experience as we awaken. You can rely on her to cultivate a safe, welcoming, and nonjudgmental environment where your questions will be heard, valued, and supported.

**VIDEO OR AUDIO OPTION:** You are welcome to participate in these Zoom chats using either the video or audio-only option.

**VIDEO RECORDING:** You can find each recorded Zoom chat on Suzy’s YouTube channel by Friday after the session. Time stamps with the topics discussed will be included in the descriptions.

**PLEASE NOTE:** The information shared in these sessions is based on Suzy’s own multidimensional insight and understanding. Regardless of the topics discussed, the information Suzy provides is not a substitute for your own intuition. You are solely responsible for how you choose to apply the information she shares. Suzy’s intention is to offer an empowered perspectives for your consideration; however, she is not accountable for your interpretation of this information or how you choose to act upon it. Suzy does not provide medical advice of any kind, but can describe how your concerns manifest energetically.



On the day of the Zoom chat, you can enter the waiting room starting at 7:45 AM Pacific Time. Sharon will be there to greet you.

You can make a donation and submit questions on the Saturday or Sunday prior to the What’s Up for You session. Please DO NOT send donations and questions at other times during the month. Only those submitted on the weekend before What’s Up For You will be accepted.

To submit your question register below. You will be sent a reminder email which include details and links to submit your questions.

On the Tuesday of What’s Up For You, Sharon will have all questions ready to go from the weekend before. If there is space for more questions during the Zoom chat, Sharon will announce it and offer the link.

Questions will be addressed in the order they are received and will NOT be prioritized based on the size of your donation. Please note that Suzy can get through approximately ten to twelve questions in an hour. 

On rare occasions, it may be the case that you make a donation and your question does not get addressed. Know that if that occurs, we will refund that donation.

Sharon, will read your questions aloud, and Suzy will seek clarification only when necessary.

At 8:00 AM, Suzy will kick off the Zoom chat with a brief opening statement. Please note that we will do our best to address as many of your questions and experiences as possible within the hour. To facilitate this, Sharon may group similar questions together to ensure a smooth and cohesive conversation.

Additionally, please be aware that these Zoom chats will be shared on YouTube and other social media platforms. If you prefer not to be seen, you are welcome to use the audio-only option on Zoom.


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Upon registration, you will receive an email containing details for the Zoom chat, along with a reminder of the format. Please note that, in our effort to assist others who may be seeking a group like this one, we will be sharing these Zoom chats on various social media platforms. We ask that you read the information below before registering for these calls.

You only need to register once. After that you can participate as often as you like.

What’s Up For You?

Registration for these community Zoom chats is offered by-donation, however as a means of supporting others who may also be looking for this information, Suzy will be posting these Zoom videos on various social media platforms including but not limited to Facebook and YouTube. By registering for these Zoom chats you acknowledge and authorize us to post your video exchanges within this community on social media platforms.