Supporting families of children who are showing up differently. 



I have been “on the edge” in the realm of autism for over twenty-five years. When I first began speaking publicly about the expanded consciousness of this population, many people dismissed it as nonsense. That was perfectly fine, as the insights I gained from the children and the evidence arising from my experiences with them were all I needed to continue advocating on their behalf. I feel fortunate to have learned from them for so many years, and since then, significant advancements have been made in the fields of autism and energetically sensitive children.

The energetic possibilities we now have access to are truly remarkable. On one hand, there is a growing body of knowledge about the children and consciousness, but on the other hand, fully accessing and embodying this knowledge can be quite challenging.

So, what gives me the confidence to share what I have learned from these children with you? It’s simple: they have never asked me to do anything on their behalf that was beyond reach, though it is often unconventional. Furthermore, I have worked with over ten thousand families and have gained firsthand insight into what consistently proves to be helpful and what does not. In this series, I will share my knowledge with you in the best way I know how—through energetic support and by providing you with firsthand experiences of what truly matters to your children.

 Integration is the process by which aspects of self  begin to synchronize and function as a collective whole.

Would you like to:

– Fully support your children and understand who they are, as well as why they express themselves the way they do?
– Realize the most coherent version of yourself so that your children can show you their most coherent selves?
– Explore perspectives beyond the mainstream narrative regarding what your children need?
– Discover why I refer to this population as an evolutionary leap for humanity?
– Acquire practical and innovative strategies that foster positive interactions between you and your child?

Children diagnosed with autism and other so-called “conditions” are often not recognized for their amazing capacities, instead being defined by perceived limitations. Changing these perceptions requires us to see “the kids” as whole beings, which begins with recognizing our own wholeness.

The current energetic climate, along with the insights and support offered in the Integration Series, presents a wonderful opportunity for parents, professionals, and others to assist their children in “landing” in this world while gaining a deeper understanding of the fascinating inner workings of their children’s experiences.

Please note: If you have participated in a previous Integration Series, you are warmly welcomed and encouraged to join again, as there is even more available in the current energetic landscape!

It is important to point out that your child or those you serve do not need to have a diagnosis on the spectrum to participate. However, this series is particularly dedicated to children who experience heightened sensitivities and struggle to express themselves fully in this world.

Additionally, your children do not need to be physically present during the Zoom sessions unless they choose to participate on their own accord.

What Do You Need To Know?


If this series resonates with you then here’s what to do.

First, please feel free to email Suzy at if you have any questions about the information presented regarding this series.

Second, make sure to register for the course before the start date and set your intention to maximize your experience during these six weeks.

The Collective Consciousness of the Children (CCC) will be with us every step of the way, helping to refine both your individual and our group processes. Since we will be meeting live on Zoom, you will have the opportunity to clarify any questions you may have about applying each week’s topic.

Lastly, please know that energy work supported by the CCC will be included in each session. You will also receive recordings of all the calls, allowing you to revisit the energetic support whenever you feel the need.


**Awesomism: The Integration Series**

Join us weekly on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM Pacific Time.

The next series will commence on October 22, 2024.

(Time Zone Converter).

This series is held live via Zoom. Details will be made available upon registration.

Calls are approximately 60-75  minutes in length, and all sessions will be recorded and available on our member site within 24 hours.

SESSION ONE- October 22, 2024


In this session, we will share an unconventional perspective on individuals diagnosed with autism, as well as all children who express themselves uniquely in the world. This narrative emphasizes love, consciousness, multidimensional gifts, and represents an evolutionary advance for humanity. Grasping this profound story can pave the way for new levels of interaction. Additionally, we will energetically prepare to create a new framework for engaging with your children.

SESSION TWO – October 29, 2024


One of the key aspects to understand about highly sensitive children is their remarkable ability to sense other people’s emotional and mental energy. They are constantly attuned to the thoughts and feelings of those around them, often interpreting these cues throughout the day. How do they manage to do this, and how can we harness this innate skill to enhance their daily experiences?

SESSION THREE- November 5, 2024


Highly sensitive children possess a distinctive ability to mirror what remains unintegrated within ourselves and our lineages. By learning to utilize these reflections for our own personal growth—free from guilt and shame—we enhance our ability to support these children in living their lives and realizing their full potential.

SESSION FOUR- November 12, 2024


In this session we will discuss the various types of communication including behaviors, spelling, facilitated communication telepathy, light language and information transfer. We will learn how to ask and get answers from them regardless of their mode of communication. We will also create an interface between their mode of communication and yours so that you sync up in a way that is most supportive to you both.

SESSION FIVE- November 19, 2024


Once a coherent means of communication is established, you’ll discover that your children have access to an unimaginable amount of information. They also process this information in ways that differ significantly from the norm. In this session, we will explore the specifics of what information they can access and why their unique approach to processing information represents the future!

SESSION SIX- November 26, 2024


Ah, that enigmatic word: love! Do we truly comprehend its meaning?  Your children appear to possess a distinct perspective on love. They recognize the essence of love without being preoccupied by the word itself or the overwhelming expectations that often accompany it. In this session, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of their awareness of love and explore how you can leverage that understanding to support both yourself and them.




Upon registration, you will receive an audio recording designed to help clear your primary energy fields. It is recommended that you complete this recording at least once before starting the series, as it will create a solid foundation for our collective growth. You may repeat this recording as often as you like throughout the course. Additionally, it can support the flow of energy as we explore and enhance our understanding of individuals on the spectrum.


“The Presence Process” by Michael Brown provides an excellent foundation for achieving emotional coherence when energetically engaging with individuals on the spectrum. It offers a precise method for integrating the experiences mirrored by these children. While it is recommended that you read at least the first two sections of the book, doing so is not a prerequisite for participating in this course.


Upon registration, you will gain immediate access to the member site, where you will find Zoom details and other pertinent information for this series.

As part of the energetic support provided in these sessions, we kindly ask that you email Suzy a picture of your child or children, along with their names and ages, upon registration. If you are a professional working with multiple children, please send pictures using initials only, along with the age(s) of the child or children you wish to focus on during these sessions. You can reach Suzy at

Receipts for services will be issued by Suzy’s company, Blue Star Education and Research LLC.