Regardless if your consultation is personal or professional in nature, Suzy quickly zeros in on whatever you are attempting to integrate.  You can bring any question, concern or desire to her and she will consistently point you back to that which fulfills your request. Suzy uses all the skills and capacities that she has reclaimed through her own integration process to support you to reclaim yours!  You can learn more about her story and mastery by clicking the button below.

Sessions with Suzy are not a band-aid, but a step toward a permanent shift in how you express in the world.  Sessions offer a means by which separated aspects of yourself return to create a functional, joy-filled whole. No one needs to be “healed”, and everyone benefits from accessing their greater truth. You are here to be who you are, not what another believes you to be!

Although Suzy was first introduced to integration work through those diagnosed with autism, she learned from personal experience that any challenge can shift once the original separation or energy field distortion is integrated. Regardless of what challenges an individual is facing, each is an attempt to reclaim parts of the whole, Suzy will meet you as the unique, grace-filled being that you are and support your return to the full expression of YOU!  Suzy does not offer medical advice of any kind, but can describe what your concern looks like energetically.


Suzy is temporarily accepting new clients.

A twenty-minute free consultation is required prior to working with Suzy one-on-one.  This twenty-minute chat helps determine if new clients and Suzy are a fit for each other and if so establishs a clear direction forward!

Click the button below to schedule your free twenty-minute appointment. Once Suzy and you have agreed to work together, you will be sent a link to register for and schedule your session or session package.

Private Sessions are one hour in length and are held via zoom. All sessions are recorded and sent to you within 24 hours. 

Suzy’s skill set makes it easy for her to look into any situation from a multifaceted perspective and offer both energetic re-structuring and practical strategies to support the full integration of the challenge at hand. For those scheduling a session in support of their child, it is not necessary for the child to be physically present for the session, although they are always welcome if they choose to be. Suzy can clearly read the energetics of the higher self regardless of where a person is physically located.


Session price is 300.00 for a single session. Sessions prepaid in packages are as follows: 

3 Sessions at 200.00 USD per session or 600.00 total 

6 Sessions at 175.00 USD per session or 1050.00 total

If you are currently in the NWP, or one of Suzy’s classes, there is no need to have a twenty-minute consult prior to a Private Session. You can register for your sessions directly on the member site and will be given priority when scheduling.


Suzy has been a valued consultant to a wide variety of professionals. She has supported a number of inventors of new modalities and techniques as well as authors seeking to clarify their support of “the children” and evolving consciousness.

Some of Suzy’s past collaborations and co-creations include The Autism Intention Experiment with physicist William Tiller Ph.D, increasing heart coherence in support of energetically senstive children with the HeartMath Institute, an autism integration technology with James Honeycutt, Ph.D of NuTesla, and creating spaces that promote higher states of coherence with Coherent Spaces , which included Dr. Doug Matzke (Quantum Doug), Dr. Cristina Robinson and inventor Randy T. Ziesenis.

She is currently collaborating on a project that brings the advanced technologies of those on the spectrum into physical form, with Chris Burge and other team members. Suzy is also in collaboration with Many Habitats, an organization out of Australia that will provide afforable homes to energetically sensitive souls and others in need.

Suzy’s unique skills and expertise can be applied to interest groups, organizations or collectives which seeks to support the integration of new technologies, science, medicine, educational modalities and other new world infastrucutres for the greater good of all as guided by “the children” and their awareness of future potentials.