Meet Each Experience With Compassion, Love & Understanding





Let’s Live From There


What is an Integration Specialist?

An integration specialist is one who can clearly see the aspects of you that you have held in separation and lovingly invite you to be present to them all.

An integration specialist supports your innate capacity to meet all that arises with deep love, compassion and understanding. 

There are expansive aspects of each of us that know what we need and have the capacity to support those parts of us that have been conditioned to believe in less than we actaully are. Suzy accesses the aspects of you that can meet your life expereinces with presence and reminds you how to do the same.

Starting Points

Explore Elements of Your Integration


Deep Love & Self Care

You are not here to get love, but to remember that you are love.

Inner Community

You are one Being made up of many aspects. When they all work together you feel whole.


Every aspect of you interacts with reality to create your life experience.

Internal Dialogue

A deep sense of trust naturally arises as you begin to speak to and about yourself with love.

Get to Know Suzy

What Others Say, Interviews & Suzy’s Mastery


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Services and Support

Consultations, Integration Courses, Monthly Energy & Free Offerings


Click Here To Join Us

From the Library

Energy Sessions, Blog & Online Classroom



These sessions are topic specific and address a variety of issues. Each session offers guided energetic support and needed background information. They are downloadable upon purchase. New sessions are uploaded on a regular basis and announced in Suzy’s newsletter. These sessions are designed to offer deeper degrees of integration each time you listen to them.


Shifting perspectives, changing realities and creating possibilities. Covering topics related to the current energetic climate, its impact on us, and how we can work with these energies to turn them in our favor as we integrate the evolving aspects of our totality. As you evolve at an unprecedented pace, Suzy’s blog can help you re-member and integrate what arises with ease and grace.


Understand and support your connection to those diagnosed on the spectrum. The Awesomism Online Process is a 25-module,  course offering insight into the inner workings of energetically sensitive children and a means to connect directly with them. Here Suzy shares the gifted difference of our newest populations. This course is self-paced and available in it’s entirety upon purchase.


Ways to Connect 

Mailing List, Free Gift, Find Best Service for You.


Find the Best Service for YOU!

Click the link below for a quick overview of what Suzy has to offer and find your ideal starting point. Please read the full description of each offering prior to enrolling and if you still have questions, drop us an email.


Mutual appreciation and admiration in support of everyone involved.



Our mission at the Wisdom Library is to increase awareness regarding those diagnosed on the autism spectrum, specifically highlighting the wisdom, awareness and multidimensional capacities that they have come to share with humanity at this time!

To this end, the Wisdom Library has a system in place so those who are seeking information about this population can learn about their worlds and awareness directly from them.

Placing their wisdom along side authors such as  Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife and Manly Hall is a clear message to those diagnosed on the spectrum that their wisdom can be seen, heard and valued as the forerunners that they are!


The Sahu mission is to unite and empower those with pure hearts and genuine intentions to uplift global consciousness. Each drop of their sacred essences, sourced from the heart of Egypt, is a testament to the transformative power of love, compassion, and unity. Join them in their journey to heal, inspire, and elevate the world, one soul at a time.

“My very first experience with the purity of these beautiful oils came as a surprise. I laid down and put some of the rose oil on my heart and a drop of blue lotus on my hamd. I closed my eyes and inhaled this sacred oil. Immediately I saw this scene. I was moving very quickly down an underground corridor. I was in a pyramid. I came into an open room and shook out a big cloth. A heart was laid on the cloth and I prepared and wrapped it. Once wrapped, three beautiful Beings came down into the room and knelt down before it. They rose up and took the wrapped heart with them.

I didn’t expect anything like that, but felt that my heart had been somehow purified ” – Suzy




The Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® is built with sacred geometry, light, color, and sound technology to surround the client with a custom tailored immersive Egg-sperience.

The mission of this company is to build a community of caring business owners who offer the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® to promote the highest good for their clients. We offer ongoing support and advice to the Egg Guardians who employ this technology as an alternative or complement to conventional methods.

“Back in January 2019, the Collective Consciousness of the Children told me that there was a pod that could assist them in their integration process. When I found the Harmonic Egg and met it’s creator Gail Lynn, I knew I had found what the kids were asking for! I’ve been excited about this technology ever since and have had several confirming experiences in the egg myself. I would be very interested in collaborating with others who have a Harmonic Egg and have the well being of the children at heart. Together I believe amazing things can happen” – Suzy