Shifting perspectives, changing realities and creating possibilities. Covering topics related to the current energetic climate, it’s impact on us, and how we can work with these energies to turn them in our favor to remember who we are.  As we evolve at an unprecedented pace, Suzy’s blog can help you re-member and integrate what you are becoming with greater ease and grace.

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The Courage to Feel

The Courage to Feel

Let’s begin at the beginning. It’s important that you each realize that what appears to divide you, internally or externally, is not YOU. That which divides is actually another energy all together. It does not belong to your truth, although you may have been convinced by it that it does. There are two families on this planet. One of fear and one of love. Fear separates and love consistently reminds you of your truth.  Fear divides and love unifies. It’s as simple as that!

New World Reality

New World Reality

There are multiple realities that co-exist at any given time. How we experience our reality has everything to do with the lens that we see through. Our lens is primarily created by others and in no way represents the unique beings that we each are, or our full capacity. We are not here to be someone else. We are here to remember the gift of our own being and how we can contribute to the well-being of all.

Your Hidden Wisdom and Inner Capacity

Your Hidden Wisdom and Inner Capacity

I suspect there is a part of each of us that doesn’t want to have to go through “one more thing” and just wants to “get” wherever we think we are going so we can be done with that thought, feeling or experience, but of course we are never done remembering who we are and we are always revealing the greater truth that lies within. It becomes obvious that with each “deep dive” into self awareness there lurks an old story and a hidden capacity. 

Flu Frequencies

Flu Frequencies

As we upgrade, reality is simply not as solid as it once was and what is to come is already there and available to us in the now. As new access points emerge, we see the past and the future not as clearly defined steps, but as options within multiple realities. We are dreaming and envisioning potentials and each of those potentials are simply information fields, choice points or references to be added to or not.

You Are the New Horizon

You Are the New Horizon

You are the new horizon of your world and you are being transformed from the inside, out by the aspects of you that have never forgotten the greater truth of your Being. This is no time to play small or to assume that just because you have had challenges in the past, that you are somehow unfit for this experience.