Shifting perspectives, changing realities and creating possibilities. Covering topics related to the current energetic climate, it’s impact on us, and how we can work with these energies to turn them in our favor to remember who we are.  As we evolve at an unprecedented pace, Suzy’s blog can help you re-member and integrate what you are becoming with greater ease and grace.

Click the image to read the complete blog.

Worlds Within Worlds

Worlds Within Worlds

As bigger worlds and forces are rocking our smaller ones, we can attempt to soothe ourselves by gathering as much information about this process as we can and that might be helpful, however somehow I doubt that any explanation of our current circumstances can even come close to the worlds within worlds that are playing out through and as us as we transition beyond what we have ever been before.

Complete, Not Done

Complete, Not Done

Over the last year, I kept hearing myself say “I am done doing things the old way. I no longer have any desire to engage in methods and realities that do not work for me or anyone else. I know first hand that there is something well beyond this. I have already experienced it too many times to negate that there are fluid amazing ways to create change. I choose this new way to be the consistent way.” 

A Beautiful Day of Giving Thanks

A Beautiful Day of Giving Thanks

I’m grateful for the time we have together, for getting to know each other through our capacities and vulnerabilities. Grateful that you share yourselves so openly and honestly, allowing us to grow our collective inner knowing as we remember who and what we have always been.

Frustration, Overwhelm & Anger

Frustration, Overwhelm & Anger

I have had such a huge influx of questions from parents about their children’s increased frustration, overwhelm and anger, that I just had to address it as a blog. Please remember that for just about every adult on this planet, the last few years have been a tad bit stressful. Just like any of us, children have different levels of resilience when it comes to managing stress. The way children manage stress is a learned behavior. Therefore your parents taught you their means of dealing with stress and unless integrated, you in turn taught that to your children.

Choose YOU!

Choose YOU!

It’s easy to get pulled by the outside world, especially when it is as odd and loud as it is right now. Talk about a mixed-up illusion. We can get pulled by the sheer volume of the information and the drama of it. The human part of us loves a drama. It gives us a hit, like a drug and most people on this planet only know drama, to one degree or another, so the energy is very familiar. From that vantage point it can oddly make us feel alive.