One of the greatest intentions that a human being can have is to know themselves.

The degree to which we know who or better said what we are, is the same degree to which our intentions can positively impact our own lives, the lives of others and the world.

Our life experiences are each designed to help us return to the greater truth of who we are. Life itself is an invitation to re-member, or to put back together all the separated aspects of ourselves. From that remembrance we become powerful creators for the well-being of all. 

All my best to you as you journey into the world of your intentions and may you find the power of your own Being in the process.

With Love,



Thank you for joining us for the You Me We Harmony Life Prosperity Summit. Below you will find your special free gift. Everything here is designed to help you re-member who you are and create from there. Included is Suzy’s E-Book Journey     Back to Love along with three short energy sessions to support a deep alignment to YOU.  These sessions will speak to and empower many aspects of your Being, thus supporting your ability to set clear intentions from a deeper place of self-love.

This E-Book includes a series of eight articles, each of which supports your ability to intentionally return to the love that you are and thus set your intentions from a place of love.

In this energy session, we reorient our definition of love and grant ourselves full permission to reclaim from within the love we have been seeking externally. This session addresses love in it’s many forms and re-introduces us to the parts of us that we have abandoned. 

Everyone has shadow aspects and very few of us enjoy the experience of having them come to the surface. No one likes to be triggered. In this energy session we will reduce the imprinting that limits us from the full integration of our shadow aspects and empower ourselves in the process. 

We know that in times of deep transformation chaos easily ensues. This energy session supports your physical, mental and emotional bodies so you can live above the chaos and create harmony in your lives. Letting what needs to fall away, do so, is key to this process.