During this powerful Lion’s Gate, there is an enhanced probability for a deep transfiguration within the human condition. This means that as more people wake up simultaneously, more conscious creation is available on this planet. The sun, the astrology and vast multidimensional energy fields are all working with us and have our back.
The opportunity is to have as many as possible, be as conscious as possible as we move through this gateway, thus we have offered this session “by-donation”.
With this transfiguration comes more joy, greater innate capacity and a deep awareness of who we are in truth. We are the creators of the New World, not simply by-standers waiting for positive change.
In this session, we energetically become the portal. We open the space to living in, through and as love, aligning with the miraculous. Transfiguration requires nothing less than all that we are!
The suggested donation is $22.00, however any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Simply add the amount you choose in the box below.
Your donation gives Suzy permission to energetically include you in this session.