I joined Suzy’s work around nine years ago for my own integration. I remember the feeling of joining something that felt so new, so right, so grounded and at the same time also held the highest levels of unity consciousness that I had been searching for (though didn’t have it in that context at that time).  Through Suzy’s stream of pure energy consciousness and vast access points, I got to come home and wake back up to myself.  

 When you’re going through a shift, a change, new energy, new information coming in, it can be a lot. The higher consciousness information streams in at such pure levels, with ease, grace, accuracy and clarity and then there is our human experience of it all, which on the one hand is what we’re really here doing and on the other hand can feel very challenging.  

Having expereinced and intergated this myself, I now can  hold space with a wider perspective, in wholeness, no fixing, no broken, more peer to peer honouring than the old paradigm of being ‘told what to do’.

When we’re feeling into the higher consciousness and higher states of being, we can create a space to check things, ask questions, and play around with it all.  With deep honour, love and joy.    


Thanks so much for reaching out! It’s our intent that your experiences in the New World Portal flow as effortlessly as possible. That said, we can all benefit from a bit of extra support from time to time. You’ve come to the right place!

Your time with a support faciliatator is designed as short term support to help you move, with greater ease, through the various shifts and changes that you will undoubtedly expereince as a participant in the New World Portal. These meetings are 45-60 minutes in length and your first one is free.

During your free meeting, you and your facilitator will determine how to move forward and will set up your meeting times.

To schedule your first free meeting, please email Natasha Shaw at and put NWP SUPPORT in the subject line.

If more than one meeting is required, I ask that you honor Natasha’s time and make a small donation prior to each time you meet. The suggested minimum donation per meeting is 20.00 USD, however please feel free to express your gratitude as you see fit.

Natasha will provide you with the link for donations during your first meeting or you can use the button under her photo!

You’re in great hands and enjoy your time.

Love and Blessings,
