Mentorship with Suzy Miller
Calling all parents, grandparents & anyone else who has a deep love for our newest populations of children and wants to see them thrive to such an extent that they feel safe enough to reveal the gifts they came to offer.
Calling those who choose to know, experience and love as the children do and who are ready to meet them where they are.
Calling all who intend to create a world where the children can fully express their multidimensional magic and be valued for the great contribution to humanity that they are.
Our newest populations of children often show up as “disordered” by old world standards. They are frequently diagnosed as autistic or with other conditions that represent poor attempts to identify what is currently a highly misunderstood way of being. Yes, these children have challenges, but so would you if you had access to what they have access to.
This is why the old ways of interacting with our newest populations are not working. They never really have. In order to become true co-creators with our children in such a way that they can invite us to evolve and we can invite them to show up as fully as possible, we must move beyond “fix it” mode. In order to connect and communicate with them, we must be connected and in communication with ourselves.
This six-month mentorship moves participants out of survival mode, where it’s possible to communicate, commune and co-create your way into thriving with your children. It’s an opportunity to take charge of your interactions with your children, not attempt to control them. Control comes from a place of fear and need. Taking charge comes out of a place of confidence in knowing what will and won’t work in any situation.
Every week of your mentorship you will grow closer in connection, communication and collaboration with your children. You will learn how to create opportunities that encourage the children to reveal who they are in truth and share their multidimensional magic.
We can no longer play in limitations. If children are to fully express their gifts there have to be adults willing to be all that they came here to be too.
We are human and divine. If we continue to react from a linear perspective, the children will not know that it is safe for them to fully show up. Miracles can happen and joy is possible. We simply need to step into a more expansive awareness and see what is already there.
This six-month program includes support mentally, emotionally, physically and multi-dimensionally to come into presence with who your children are and what they have to offer you. It encourages you in every way possible to rise up to meet them so you can learn from and co-create with them.
This mentorship invites you to build a bridge between your world and your children’s and to trust all that transpires there . This offering is as practical as it is other worldly. The old world does not serve those on the spectrum. It’s our job to step into their world and co-create what is not only supportive of them, but for every evolving being on planet Earth.
As there are only twelve openings per mentorship program, Suzy requests that you schedule a twenty-minute consult prior to registration to see if this program is a fit for you!
(Time Zone Converter)
This series is held live via Zoom. Access to the mentorship member site will be made available upon registration where you will find all the necessary details to get you started.
Zoom sessions are approximately 75 minutes in length, and all sessions will be recorded and available on our member site within 24 hours.
These sessions are live with Suzy and are available to twelve participants only in each six-month mentorship. The next mentorship begins May 1, 2024. These sesssions are held on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM Pacific. We will meet one time per week for six months.
All sessions are live because it is vital that the information be tailored to the participants within each mentorship program.
Mentorship includes:
- A 75-90 minute session weekly to be attended live or via recording. All recordings are available for download.
- Multidimensional energy work, transmissions and specifc topics to support your capacity to communicate, collaborate and co-create with your children.
- Specific energetic techniques to meet your children where they are energecially.
- The latest practical and multidimensional information available regarding our newest populations.
- Individualized support to help you remember who you are and your innate capacity to create a sacred space for your children
- Weekly application and personalized strategies to bring everything discussed in these sessions into practical application.
- Support in responding to the emotional, mental and physical stress of caring for children who are constantly inviting you to expanded aspects of yourself.
Also included:
- You’ll be paired with a mentorship partner. We integrate new capacities when we share that information with others. Your mentorship partner will give you an opportunity to be supported and to share with another as you move through this process.
- Private sessions are no longer available to the general public, but can be purchased on the membersite by those in the mentorship. The private session link is available upon registration.
- Six months of access to the Awesomism Online classroom where you will be given foundational information to support the advanced information offered in the Mentorship Program.
- Post completion of the Mentorship, you will have the option to work with Suzy privately if you so choose as well as particiapte in a monthly on-going Q and A sessions speciflcally for those who have completed the Mentorship!
- Announcement of participants who successfully complete the full six months in Suzy’s newsletter and on social media.

Partial scholarships are offered to those who live in countries with high exchange rates.
These scholarships are $1500.00 and can be applied to either a one-time payment or our payment plan. Please review both options below under the registration banner prior to you twenty-minute consult with Suzy.
THANK YOU to Gail and Harmonic Egg for making scholarships possible for the May 2024 Mentorship. Much Gratitude!
NEXT MENTORSHIP BEGINS ON MAY 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM Pacific.
There are specific topics, energetic repatternings and transmissions that will be available as you move through the mentorship so that it can have the positive impact that Suzy knows it can on your life and that of your children. That said, the needs of each group are unique, thus in order to offer you the most she can throughout this program, Suzy may adjust the topics for the weekly sessions to support where the group is in that moment!
You will find that certain messages and techniques will be repeated several times, but in different context as you move through this process. That is because we have all been conditioned to be problem solvers and here you are being invited to be co-creators with your children. It takes practice and Suzy will be there with you each step of the way. This is not a linear process. It is a spherical one, meaning that multiple realms, realities and dimensions are all interwoven in wholeness from start to finish!
Suzy will not and cannot do this six-month mentorship for you. She can however help you remember what is hidden inside you and consciously access it for the greater good of all involved! This is where your life with the children literally takes on a new dimension.
Let’s Set the Stage for Success
Session One

Introductions to each other and the methods by which this mentorship will transform your connection, communication and collaboration with your children. Receive mentorship partner and suggestions for supporting each other. Energetically set the stage for the next six months.
Q & A regarding the steps we will take and your partnerships as well as anything that came up in the energy session. Provide individualized refinement of energy to personally support your process.
Session Two

In this session we will address how to support yourself on an emotional body level to create a powerful invitation to your children to connect, communicate and collaborate. Energetically support the emotional body of the group.
Q & A regarding emotional body support and experience. Individualized energetic refinement of the emotional body. Offer suggested action steps.
Session Three

In this session we will address how to reorient your belief systems about yourself and what your children are capable of. We will energetically create a new lens through which to see yourself and your children.
Q & A regarding your belief systems regarding yourself and your children. Individualized energetic refinement regarding how you perceive your children. Offer suggested action steps.
Session Four

In this session we will address how to bridge our linear world with the children’s spherical world. We will energetically create this bridge so it is easier to access as we move forward!
Q & A regarding bridging linear and spherical realities. Individualized energetic refinement to enhance understanding of this process. Personalized suggested focus to bring this concept into clarity. Offer suggested action steps.
Deepening Your Connection
Session Five

In this session we address the real invitation that is presented to you through your children. We will discuss choice and creation in lieu of problem solving. We will energetically set the stage to connect with self and thus your children.
Q & A regarding choice and creation. Individualized energetic refinement to create from choice and offer action steps.
Session Six

In this session we will address the use of tension to clarify choice points. Days can be tough with children we don’t fully understand. Here we learn how to use those tough experiences to deepen our creative choice.
Q & A regarding use of tension points. Individualized energetic refinement to deepen choice points and offer action steps.
Session Seven

Your children require vibrational information to feed their choices. In this session we will set up spheres of information as choice points for your children. We will energetically move out of a linear perspective to meet them where they are.
Q & A regarding use of spheres of information and how to use them to support your children. Individualized energetic refinement to enhance spherical versus linear perspectives. Suggest specific action steps to anchor this connection point.
Session Eight

The old ways do not fully honor who your children are and what they have to share. Let’s address the fears anxiety and stress that naturally arise when you are invited to live your life in a brand new way. Energetic support to release fear, anxiety and stress.
Q & A regarding purpose of fear, anxiety and stress. Individualized energetic refinement to enhance relief of constant stress. Suggest specific action steps to anchor this connection point.
Increasing Communication
Session Nine

Communication comes in many ways and with your children you do not always get to choose its form, but you can choose a new dimension of communication which naturally includes a greater trust in your inner voice and a greater ability to “hear” your children. Energetic support to enhance dimensional communication with your children.
Q & A regarding up-leveling your capacity to communicate with your children. Individualized energetic refinement to enhance this state. Suggest specific action steps to continually open to new dimensions of communication.
Session Ten

Behavior is the highest form of communication. To communicate in symbols is a purer form of interaction and thus an invitation to higher states of your consciousness. In this session we energetically support the capacity to relate at the level of symbols.
Q & A regarding behavior as highest form of communication. Individualized energetic refinement to enhance capacity to understand messages represented through your child’s behavior. Action steps to support the flow and development of this skill set.
Session Eleven

Your children are not coming to you. Them being as they are is our opportunity to connect to them where they are. Ironically when we do, true communication begins to take hold and they begin to express in a way that appears more comfortable to us. In this session we will energetically release the frustration and resistance to having to meet the children where they are and to the fear of expanding beyond the norm.
Q & A regarding expanding beyond the norm to access true communication with your children. Individualized refinement as needed to release that edge and need to fit in or belong. Action steps regarding what to do when all you want for yourself and your child is to “fit in”.
Session Twelve

Are you here for getting love or for giving love? Are you self-forgiving? How is this reflected in the way you communicate with yourself and with your child? What are you trying to get from them that you can give to yourself? These are tough questions, but as we learn to communicate in a more compassionate way with ourselves, we open to deeper communication with the children. In this session we will energetically enhance patterns of self-love and release what no longer serves.
Q & A regarding your own communication patterns. Individualized energetic transmission to bridge enhanced self-love and an improved inner dialogue. Action steps to support building this bridge within yourself.
Co-creative Collaboration
Session Thirteen

The children and their challenges are not problems to be solved. They are opportunities to co-create at a whole other level of consciousness. They cannot meet you in problem solving. In this session we will address co-creation in a way that makes sense to the children. Energetic support to release program of problem solver.
Q & A regarding conditioned pattern of problem solving and fears of stepping into creation cycles with your children. Individualized energetic support to step into creation cycles with your children and action steps to repattern this capacity right into your daily life.
Session Fourteen

We must release our unconscious agendas to access the world of the new children. Those agendas kept us safe and were survivable, but cannot go with you into thriving with your child. In this session we will energetically release the following needs as inclusively as we can and also offer techniques to get the rest as they arise. Unconscious agendas include: Need to be perfect, worthy, valuable, loved, safe, in control, happy, dominate or a people pleaser.
Q & A regarding unconscious agendas. We will energetically address the ones that are predominate in your life and offer specific steps forward to continue to make them conscious and thus release them.
Session Fifteen

As we release the unconscious agendas we can become more aware of our superconscious capacities. Access to these are just as necessary as this is what the children are ultimately inviting us to. Superconscious capacities are those gifts innate to you that you having consciously or unconsciously been reclaiming since your children arrived in your life. This session will energetically access and anchor those realities in your consciousness.
Your superconscious capacities could not possibly all be accessed in one session and you would not want them to be. That would be too much change too fast. In this Q & A we will address what has come up regarding our last session and offer individualized support where needed in order to step into your next available capacity with as much ease as possible.
Session Sixteen

The dance between the world of agenda and capacity is the world that the children attempt to navigate on a daily basis and it is not easy. There is a space in between where they can find greater ease and comfort, especially when the adults in their environments find that within themselves. You are well on your way to that. In this session we will address that space in between and energetically support the ability to create it on purpose for your well-being and that of your child.
In this Q & A we will purposefully access this space and address any experiences that arise in the process. Specific support and instruction will be offered as needed so this become a conscious energetic meeting place for yourself and your children.
Make This New Way of Being Practical
Session Seventeen

Remember how to repattern your emotional body with love, compassion and understanding. In this session we will discuss this process and energetical support it taking hold as a way forward. You will practice this for two days. Energetic support will be offer as needed to support this capacity.
Bring your questions, comments and experiences to this Q & A segment so we can support the strengthening of your capacity to re-pattern your emotional body at will.
Session Eighteen

Remember how to receive messages from the behavioral language of your children. In this session you will be supported to take what they are offering literally, but NOT personally. Energetic support will be offered as needed to support this capacity.
Bring your questions, comments and experiences to this Q & A segment so we can support the strengthening of your capacity to receive information from your child’s behaviors as well as releasing any unconscious need to take their behaviors personally.
Session Nineteen

Remember how to create a vibrational space in support of yourself and your children. In this session we will literally become spherical instead of linear. We have to offer the children vibrational information, as love, if we are to be of any real support to them. The good news is that this is easier than one might think. You will practice this for two days to anchor this capacity.
Bring your questions, comments and experiences to this Q & A segment so we can support the strengthening of your capacity to become spherical and create a vibrational space. Individualized energetic transmissions will be offered here as necessary.
Session Twenty

Remember how to choose a new reality for you and your child instead of waiting for it to happen. The realm of visualization is not simply a place for wishful thinking. It is actually a vibrational space that the children can easily interact with and learn from. It’s also a space where they can more easily share information.
Bring your questions, comments and experiences to this Q & A segment so we can support the strengthening of your capacity to become spherical and create a vibrational space. Individualized energetic transmissions will be offered here as necessary.
Live a New Reality with Your Children
Session Twenty-One

If it hasn’t happened already by now you are likely recognizing that a massive historical release has taken place. Each step of this process has been in support of releasing the old and stepping into the new. In this session, we will consciously anchor where you are now so you can move from this space with ease and grace.
In this Q & A, Suzy will answer any questions you might have and also individually reinforce key directives designed just for you based on your now moment knowing, experiences and state of being.
Session Twenty-Two

Moving into the experience of inner completion does not mean that we are done. Being done is an attempt to fix and by now you are far beyond that intention. In this session we will consciously anchor your completeness and that of your children so you can move forward seeing yourself and them through that lens.
In this Q & A segment Suzy will answer any questions you might have and also individually reinforce key directives designed just for you based on your now moment knowing, experiences and state of being.
Session Twenty-Three

Just as the children have been attempting to interface higher and lower vibrational states, by now you have remembered how to allow your highest vibrational states and lowest to co-exist in harmony and support of each other. This shift has been fundamental in your transformation. We have seen the children in polarities of right and wrong only because that is where we used to focus. In this session, we will consciously anchor the aspects of you in oneness. We will have preferences yes, but experiences are no longer identified right or wrong. It’s all information.
In this Q & A segment Suzy will answer any questions you might have and also individually reinforce key directives designed just for you based on your now moment knowing, experiences and state of being. If you are reading this pre- mentorship process, don’t worry you have shifted a lot and are more than capable of moving forward in a greater state of oneness.
Session Twenty-Four

It’s hard to explain the experience of being in greater mastery and union with yourself, your child and the realities that your children came to offer you. It’s challenging to imagine yourself in the place of feeling complete, if you are reading this simply as a description of the last session of this six- month schedule. So much has changed by now and at this point in the mentorship, you may actually be done with the fear, worries and concerns that may have brought you here in the first place. In this session, we will consciously anchor your mastery and union. You’ll be offered strategies to settle into your completeness.
In this Q & A segment, Suzy will answer any questions you might have and also individually reinforce key directives designed just for you based on your current knowing, experiences and state of being. By now you know how to move forward on our own. As Suzy stated at the beginning, she was never here to do it for you, nor could she. If you have made it to the end of this mentorship, all of that is a mute issue as you are now telling her what’s next for you and your children.
Access to Member Site Materials Upon Registration
Please note that couples who are co-parenting within the same household only need to pay one registration fee. Those co-parenting from separate households will need to register individually if both choose to participate.
ONE PAYMENT- Pay in full 4800.00 prior to the start date of the mentorship.
- For those who receive one of the 1500.00 scholarships, your total will be 3300.00 Scholarships are available for participants from countries with high exchange rates.
SIX PAYMENTS OVER COURSE MENTORSHIP- Total cost of payment plan is $5300.00. You will pay $2000.00 upon registration. You will then receive a second invoice to autopay $660.00 per month for the remaining five months. The autopay invoice is due on September 1, 2023 and will be deducted the first of each month.
- For those who receive a $1500.00 scholarship your total out-of-pocket is $3800.00. You will pay $2000.00 upon registration, leaving $1800.00 to be paid at $360.00 per month for the remaining five months. Autopay invoices of $360.00 will be deducted on the first of each month.