This is a live workshop with Suzy. All energetic support and information is specifically designed for attendees of the live workshop. Hope to see you there! This is a BIG one!

Workshops are 2 to 2.5 hours in length

Time Converter


LOCATION: ZOOM link available upon registration.


It’s pretty clear at this point that humanity is going through a collective shift of some kind and the by-product of this transformation ranges from deep discomfort physically, mentally and emotionally, to profound moments of remembering the love that we are and the natural gifts that go along with this remembering.

It is not an understatement to say that what is occurring is nothing short of a complete reorientation from conditioned separation consciousness to the realization that you are one with all things, and are in fact, all that is ever has been and ever will be.

This shift is TOTAL, COMPLETE and IN CHARGE. If all moves with ease, the separated aspects of yourself will not make it through the transformation and the greater truth of you will rise up to be known and experienced. This workshop is custom designed to support that process.


In this workshop you will be invited to remember:


What is actually happening to you during this time in human history

How to work with this energy instead of fight against it

How to access the aspects of yourself  that can masterfully navigate this degree of change

How to support the aspects of you that are fighting becoming what you have always been

How to access and utilize moments of joy, bliss and inner knowing to further align with the changes that are taking place within you

Concepts addressed during this workshop can completely change your relationship to your current life experience and help you fully understand the changes that are taking place physically, mentally and emotionally as part of this great human reset!



The shift from separation to unity consciousness

Your inner community and how to overcome it’s resistance to change

Alterations in your physical, mental and emotional bodies

Enhanced energetic sensitivies and new skill sets

Accessing the mastery within

PLEASE NOTE: Each one of these topics could and will be a workshop of its own. Here, Suzy will offer an overview of these topics and provide practical suggestions on how to work with (instead of against) the  all- encompassing changes taking place during this remarkable time in human history.


LIVE ZOOM WORKSHOP : Two-hour live Zoom workshop which includes:

  • An expanded perspective offered via Suzy’s unique channel and gained through her personal experience working in the field of multidimensional consciousness.
  • Guided energetic support personalized for the group for deeper integration of the information. Energetic support may include light language, vocal toning and the technology of love.
  • Q & A  segment for deeper clarity and enhanced practical application.

VIDEO RECORDING: You will have lifetime access to the video recording of the workshop via the member site.

VIDEO OR AUDIO OPTION: You are welcome to use the video and or audio only option when participating in these live Zoom workshops. Clips of these workshops may be used via social media so please be mindful of that when choosing your video or audio only option. 

CONSCIOUS LOVING COMMUNITY: Over the years, a loving and supportive community has gathered through Suzy’s offerings, creating an amazing space for authenticity. You’ll be supported not simply by what she has to offer, but also by the love and compassion the workshop participants hold!

A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO BE YOU Suzy’s own journey of integrating more of who she is has made her compassionate to the growing pains that we all move through as we awaken. You can count on her to create a safe, inviting and nonjudgemental environment for questions and experiences to be heard, valued and supported.


Upon registration, you will receive an email with the format for the Zoom workshop as well as access to the member site for your recording. All workshop recordings will be available within 24 hours and you will have lifetime access. Simply log into the member site and relisten anytime.