What’s going On?
Over the last several decades my primary focus has been to share the awareness, capacity and wisdom, of those diagnosed with autism, with their parents, educators, therapist and anyone else who genuinely wanted to understand them beyond their human challenges.
Utilizing my own telepathic capacities and ability to see multidimensionally, both of which were activated and continue to be enhanced by them, I have had the privilege of many first hand experiences related to their soul’s capacities.
They consistently invited me to deeper aspects of myself, and as I took them up on their offer, they revealed their more expansive gifts, awarenesses and knowings. For these reasons, at this point I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are the essence of new science, medicine, technology, education and even the currency of love. I know that their souls are attempting to help us understand our own soul capacities as well.
Many of you who have taken a similar journey with those diagnosed on the spectrum, know their unique capacities first hand. I know we would all love to see their wisdom have a place to “land” and a broader reach so others can benefit from their expansive capacities and knowing.
In collaboration with The Wisdom Library, and with the full support of Steven Ross and his wife Deborah Cambio, we would like to invite those diagnosed with autism, to share their awareness, experiences, wisdom and capacities with the Wisdom Library.
Steve, Deborah and I see this gathering of their wisdom, as a continuum of the wisdom that has been passed down through the ages, and that which represents next steps in the support of human evolution.
We are so excited to add your information to the wisdom of the ages.
Big Blessings,
Suzy Miller
Where do I start?
First, If you are the parent of or support someone diagnosed with autism and have a book, publication or other resource that you have found helpful in understanding and navigating your interactions with them, please send the title and the name of the author to We will obtain copies and upon review place them in the library.
Second, if you are someone who has a diagnosis of autism and have authored or co-authored a book, article or blog sharing your own experience of life, your knowings and musings or are someone who is in support of others understanding of autism, we would love to have a hard copy for the library. If you are someone who has worked with and received information directly from those diagnosed on the spectrum through telepathy or any form of communication, we would love to hear of your experiences too.
In addition, because everything is vibration, art and other creations are also greatly welcomed. Please feel free to send us a photo or audio copy of art as the vibration alone will add beautifully to the library. These photo copies will also be cataloged and information shared with others upon request.
Lastly, if you would like to contribute a book, piece of art or music you can reach out to Sharon Hall at for directions on how to do so!
What happens next?
We all know that when someone does not speak or show up differently in the world that people rarely take the time to get to know that individual let alone stay present with them long enough to access their wisdom.
When those diagnosed with autism add their contributions to the Wisdom Library, it becomes beautifully obvious that collectively this population has amazing awareness to share with humanity at this time. As more and more information is gathered, catalogued and shared with the world, the capacities, thoughts, ideals and wisdom of those on the spectrum gets heard, seen and most importantly valued.
Because the Wisdom Library is connected to the World Research Foundation and multiple libraries around the world, anyone who is interested in learning about this population will be able to do so directly from them.
Each parent, professional and support person has their own unique experiences with those on the spectrum. As individual expereiences, the profound nature of these encounters often gets written off as a fluke, or something that no one would believe.
When all those experiences are collected in a space as prestigous as the Wisdom Library, professionally catalogued and shared with the world through the World Research Foundation, it gives those who have taken the time to get to know those diagnosed on the spectrum, as well this population, the opportunity to be seen, heard and valued for who they are and what they have to share with the world.
The time is now for the voiceless to have a their say. It’s good for everyone involved! It’s good for the world!