Suzy has been a valued consultant to various professionals including physicians, psychiatrists and psychologist, therapists and educators. She assists her processional clients to bring about greater degrees of integration for their patients, clients and students.  

She has co-created various research projects, programs and technologies which support integration. Suzy has also provided integration opportunities to organizations seeking to function as a cohensive whole.

Her unique skills and expertise can be applied to any interest group, organization or collective which seeks to enhance functional wholeness for the well-being of all.

Please contact Suzy directly at Suzy@ for professional consultation or collaboration proposals.  A few examples of Suzy’s professional collaborations can be found below.

 Parent & Child Heart Coherence

The Autism Intention Experiment 

NuTesla Integration Technology 

Medical Integration

Suzy has worked with holisitic physicans and allopathic professionals to bring awareness to missing key elements to their patients treatment plans. When a patient is not making progress through theraputic, nutritional or pychological models, it is typically because the plan does not take into account the subtle eneregtic aspects of the paitent. We are energy first. Her multidimenional perspective and ability to speak directy to the soul opens opportuities for improved health and well being.

Educational Integration

Suzy has supported a wide range of educational programs for children diagnosed with autism and others with developmental challenges. She has consulted with school districts offering effective support and services for their growing energetically sensitive populations. Suzy has trained many professionals to read more sublte aspects of their clients and to enhance their communication and connection with those that they serve.

Psychological Integration

Suzy has worked with psychologist, psychiatrist, social workers and art therapist to provide multi-dimensional insights regarding complex clients. She’s worked directly with those diagnosed as bi-polar, multiple personality, elective mutes and autistic. The integration of these populations is always multidimensional in nature and more often than not, when clinial progress is not being made, it is because important unseen aspects of the individual have not yet been seen, met and integrated.