Supporting families of children who are showing up differently. 



I’ve been “out on the edge” in the arena of autism for the last twenty five plus years. When I first started speaking publicly about the expanded consciousness of this population people thought it was nonsense. And that was OK, because the information provided by the children and the proof that played out through my experiences with them was all that I needed to continue sharing on their behalf. I have been blessed to learn from them for all these years and since then, so much has advanced in the world of Autism and Energetically Sensitive Children.

The energetics of what is now possible is pretty phenomenal. On the one hand, so much about the kids and consciousness is more commonly available and on the other hand accessing and living what is now available can be a real trick.

So what makes me so certain that I can transfer what I know and have learned from them to you? That’s simple. It’s because the children have never asked me to do anything on their behalf that was not possible, albeit frequently unconventional. In addition, I’ve worked with over ten thousand families and have seen first hand what is consistently  helpful and what is not! In this series, I’ll pass that all on to you in the best way I know how, through energetic support and by giving you first hand expereience of what matters most to your children.

 Integration is the process by which aspects of self  begin to synchronize and function as a collective whole.


  • support your children fully, understand who they are and why they express as they do?
  • realize the most coherent version of yourself so your children can show you the most coherent version of themselves?
  • explore beyond the mainstream narrative of what your children do and don’t need?
  • learn why I call this population an evolutionary leap for humanity?
  • gain practical and unique strategies that create positive interactions between you and your child?

Children diagnosed with autism and other “conditions” are rarely, if ever, fully seen for the great capacities that they DO have and are typically defined by their perceived limitations. Shifting these perceptions requires that we see “the kids” as whole. To do that we must begin to see our own wholeness.

 The current energetic climate, paired with the with the information and energetic support offered in the  Integration Series creates a beautiful opportunity for parents, professionals and others to support the “landing” of their children in this world, as they more fully understand the fascinating inner working of their kids worlds!

Please note that if you’ve joined a prior Integration Series, you are welcome and encouraged to join again as there is even more available in this current energetic climate!

Your child or those that you serve do not need to be diagnosed on the spectrum for you to participate, however this series is dedicated to those children who experience heightened sensitivities and find it challenging to fully express themselves in this world!

 Please note that your children DO NOT need to be physically present during the Zoom sessions, unless they choose, on their own to be.

What Do You Need To Know?


If this series resonates with you then here’s what to do.

First, feel free to email Suzy at if you have a questions about the information presented about this series

Second, register for the course prior to the start date and set your intention to get the most you can out of these six weeks.

The Collective Consciousness of the Children (CCC) will be right with us every step of the way! They will help to refine your individual and our group process, and because we will meet on zoom live, you will be able to clarify any questions you have regarding how to apply each weeks topic.

Third, know that energy work supported by the C.C.C. will be offered in each of these sessions. You will also have the recordings for each of these calls and therefore will be able to revisit the energetic support any time you feel the need.

Lastly, private sessions are no longer open to the general public, however as a participant of the Integration Series, you will be able to purchase private sessions with Suzy as you like. You will find the registration for private sessions on the member site for the Intergation Series.



Awesomism: The Integration Series

 9:30 AM Pacific Time and is held weekly, on Tuesdays.

The next series starts on June 25, 2024

(Time Zone Converter).

This series is held live via Zoom. Details will be made available upon registration.

Calls are approximately 60-75  minutes in length, and all sessions will be recorded and available on our member site within 24 hours.

SESSION ONE- June 25, 2024


In this session you will hear a very different story about those diagnosed with autism and all children who are showing up differently in the world. This is a story of love, of consciousness, of multidimensional gifts and of an evolutionary step forward for humanity. Understanding this true story alone can set the stage for new levels of interaction. We will also energetically set the stage to build a new template for interaction with your children.

Please note: Two weeks until next session.

SESSION TWO – July 9, 2024


One of the most important things to understand about highly sensitive children is their capacity to pick up on other people’s  emotional and mental energy. This means that they read minds and emotions all day, everyday. How do they do this and how can we use this innate skill to support their daily life experience?

SESSION THREE- July 16, 2024


Highly sensitive children have a unique capacity to reflect what has yet to be integrated within ourselves and our lineages. When we understand how to apply these reflections for our own evolutionary growth (without guilt and shame), we become more capable of supporting the children to live their own lives and demonstrate into their own capacities.


SESSION FOUR- July 23, 2024


In this session we will discuss the various types of communication including behaviors, spelling, facilitated communication telepathy, light language and information transfer. We will learn how to ask and get answers from them regardless of their mode of communication. We will also create an interface between their mode of communication and yours so that you sync up in a way that is most supportive to you both.

SESSION FIVE- July 30, 2024


Once a coherent mode of communication is established, you’ll find out that your children have access to more information than you can imagine. They also process information very differently than most. In this session, we’ll learn the specifics of what they have access to and why their way of processing information is the wave of the future! 

SESSION SIX- August 5, 2024


That crazy word love! Do we really know what it means? The children seem to have a unique perspective on love. They understand the energy of love and are not really interested in the word or the insane projections that go with it. In this session, you will come into a greater understanding of their awareness of love and how you can use that understanding to support yourself and them.




Upon registration, you will receive an audio recording to assist in clearing your primary energy fields.  It should be completed at least once prior to beginning this series as it will create a common foundation for us to expand from! This recording can be repeated as you see fit during the course. It can also help to keep the energy moving as we open to and expand our understanding of those on the spectrum.


The Presence Process by Michael Brown offers a great foundation for the emotional coherence necessary when energetically engaging with those on the spectrum. It provides a very percise means of integrating what is mirrored by the children. It is suggested that you read at least the first two sections of his book, but it is not required to participate in this course.



As part of the energetic support offered in these sessions, upon registration, please email Suzy a picture of your child or children with their names and ages. If you are a professional working with multiple children please send her pictures with initials only and the age(s) of the child or children that you would like to focus on in these sessions.  You can email Suzy at suzy@suzymillercom.

Receipts for services come from Suzy’s company Blue Star Education and Research LLC.